North Bay, California: A day trip through Salsalito, Muir Woods, Stinson Beach and Treasure Island.

View from Salsalito
Photo Credit: Chelsea Byers
 Upon moving in San Francisco, I was told repeatedly to get out of the city as much as possible. Man am I happy I listened. The city is great, don't get me wrong. There are endless things to do within this seven mile by seven mile peninsula, but aside from those chilly days on the beach, you tend to lose touch with nature.  So in order to reconnect with Mother Earth, I would highly recommend a trip to the North Bay. Laying so unassumingly across the Golden Gate bridge is a virtually untapped region of redwood trees and the most outrageous views imaginable. I made this adventure a solo trip, which was even more memorable, regardless of the awful self-timer pictures that came from it.

The trouble with this trip is that it requires a car. Lucky for me, I have one. Lucky for you, Yelp offers some sweet deals on zipcars. Keep an eye out, and take advantage of them whenever you can. It is totally worth it.
After crossing the Golden Gate and paying that god-awful toll, you are immediately put into a little town called Salsalito. Take the road to the left that sends you winding your way up the side of a hill. Find a parking spot, and take in the most breathtaking view of the city and the Golden Gate Bridge possible. Once you've gotten your photos in, say goodbye to the city for the day, and start making your way to Muir Woods.

Muir Woods
Photo Credit: Chelsea Byers
Muir Woods National Monument is part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area and a highly visited destination along the Mount Tamalpais Mill Valley Scenic Road. The 559 acres of land encompass hundreds of massive redwood trees, making for an impossible breathtaking walk through nature. Silence is required in many parts of the walk, allowing for patrons to take in the mystical sounds of nature.  On the way out, be sure to hit up the cafe and speak with the cute barista. All the oxygen in the woods will get you light-headed enough to strike up a conversation, hopefully leading to a free coffee -  which you will definitely need, considering this day is only half over. 
Bohemian Grove in Muir Woods
Photo Credit: Chelsea Byers
From Muir woods, continue out the windy road toward Stinson beach. It's a gorgeous sight to see, coming out of the overgrown red woods, and looking at the waves crashing along the cliff side. I parked my car overlooking the beach, and propped myself up on the hood, where I enjoyed the picnic lunch I had packed for myself - Brie, Avocado, Red Onions, Spinach and Sprouts on a Baguette and orange slices on the side - and then continued down to the water so I could dip my toes in the Pacific. I only stayed long enough to get caught gawking at the surfers that occupy the water before making my way around the bay. 
Stinson Beach Picnic Spot
Photo Credit: Chelsea Byers
My last stop on this long gorgeous day trip was Treasure Island. In order to get there, you have to wind your way from North Bay down to Oakland and cross the Oakland Bay Bridge. Treasure Island is the half way point between Oakland and San Francisco and provides the most spectacular place to watch the sunset. Watching the sun dip beneath the horizon, with my toes dangling into the Bay, I found myself living the Otis Redding Song - Sitting on the Dock of the Bay. But really, if there is a better place to be caught wasting time, I'd like to hear about it.
Sunset at Treasure Island
Photo Credit: Chelsea Byers
So there it is, your escape from the city. I always find that making plans limits room for opportunity, so hop in a car and let the wind blow you where it may.

-Chelsea Byers, Staff Writer